Venice to introduce €5 day-trip fee for tourists

Venice, Sept. 13 (BNA): Tourists looking to explore the iconic Italian lagoon city of Venice will have to pay a €5 ($5.4) admissions fee on certain days in future if they do not stay overnight, the municipal council decided on Tuesday.


The scheme is set to start in the spring of 2024 and will initially apply on the busiest 30 days for visitors, with the idea that tourists choose to visit on less popular days, dpa reported.


The exact dates have not yet been fixed. The city on Italy's north-eastern coast - one of the biggest tourist destinations worldwide - currently has less than 50,000 permanent residents, but during the high season the city sometimes hosts more than twice as many tourists.


Plans to introduce an entrance fee are also controversial among residents and a decision had been postponed several times. According to the current plan, visitors without a ticket could be fined between €50 and €300.





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