TRA Bahrain publishes its public consultation on BNETs wholesale broadband

Manama, Oct. 29 (BNA): To ensure everyone has access to broadband services at affordable prices, and that the Kingdom continues to have world-class fibre infrastructure, the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Bahrain (TRA) published a public consultation on BNETs wholesale broadband service, e.g. the Wholesale Bitstream Service (WBS), that telecommunications operators use to supply broadband services to both residential and business customers.


In accordance with its 2022-23 Work Plan, the Authority prioritised the review of the wholesale broadband tariffs so that everyone in the Kingdom benefits from better service offerings as soon as possible. Based on the Authority’s assessment, the tariffs proposed by BNET, the national fibre network provider, represent reductions in wholesale prices that the Authority expects retail operators to pass onto end-users. In addition, the Authority welcomes BNET’s proposal to increase broadband speeds enabling everyone to have a good on-line experience and supporting Bahrain digital development and global competitiveness.


The Authority is committed to achieve its objective to enhance competition in the retail broadband market. Accordingly, the Authority is proposing amendments giving people and businesses greater power to select the service that best meets their needs while allowing retail operators more flexibility in their commercial strategy.  


The Authority now invites stakeholders to comment on its views on WBS tariffs. Following the consultation, the Authority will consider all submissions received before reaching its decision on the final WBS tariffs.


Commenting on this consultation, the Authority’s General Director, Mr. Philip Marnick stated “We want to ensure all customers in the Kingdom have access to world-class broadband services at good prices. Providing telecoms Operators with appropriate, fit-for-purpose wholesale products and services is a key regulatory mechanism that supports competition and consumer choice. The new BNET offer increases the broadband speed in the Kingdom and price reductions. This will enhance competition in the retail market benefiting both consumers and businesses. It will also further enhance Bahrain’s global competitiveness.”







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