Speaker highlights democratic strides in HM King’s prosperous era

Manama, Mar.11 (BNA): Council of Representatives Speaker Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam expressed thanks and gratitude to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, hailing the royal patronage of the Inter-Parliamentary Union 146th Assembly


“HM the King’s support and praise Bahraini parliamentary diplomacy has played a key role in hosting this international parliamentary gathering, consolidating the status and confidence that the Kingdom of Bahrain enjoys with the international community”, he said.


The Council of Representatives Speaker made the remarks as he addressed the opening session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union 146th Assembly which was held today.


He welcomed the participants in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the country that believed in the principles of democracy more than 100 years ago when it witnessed the first municipal popular elections in 1912.


“Bahrain is home of ancient civilizations spanning thousands of years. Since the civilization of Dilmun, then Tylos and Awal, and the Islamic civilization, the identity of Bahrain was formed with its distinguished human heritage and its ideal diversity, which is based on belief in lofty principles and the values of love, peace, tolerance and coexistence”, he said.


He highlighted Bahrain’s democratic strides in the era of HM the King, noting the reform project and other royal initiatives which laid the foundations for the National Action Charter, the constitution as well as the arsenal of national legislations and laws that protect the values of tolerance, coexistence, religious and cultural diversity.


He underlined other milestones, citing the the establishment of the King Hamad Center for Interfaith Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence, the launch of  the “Kingdom of Bahrain Document” to encourage peace efforts, and the inauguration of the King Hamad Chair for Interfaith Dialogue at the Italian Sapienza University.


He highlighted Bahrain’s approach in promoting tolerance and coexistence and advocating peace within the framework of the international community to spread dialogue and reject intolerance.


Council of Presidents of the United Nations General Assembly (CPUNGA) member Shaikha Haya bint Rashid Al Khalifa,  delivered a speech in which she referred to the Pope's visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, as a visit of peace, dialogue, coexistence, hope and tolerance.


In her speech, she noted that the world today is full of conflicts, calling on the parliamentary elites to spread peace and tolerance.



UN Secretary General António Guterres and Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) President Duarte Pacheco also addressed the opening session of  146th IPU Assembly.


Source: https://www.bna.bh/en/SpeakerhighlightsdemocraticstridesinHMKingsprosperousera.aspx?cms=q8FmFJgiscL2fwIzON1%2bDiH4rpwKR7fdYqywggvmo4w%3d



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