Plan to raise tourism revenue to BD2bn on track

A FOUR-year plan to entice more tourists to Bahrain and increase revenues to BD2 billion appears to be on course, revealed Tourism Minister Fatima Al Sairafi.

She told Parliament in writing that the amount would be 100 per cent more than 2022’s revenues.

The minister explained that the plan would see 14.1 million tourists visiting the country in 2026, an increase of 60pc on latest recorded numbers.

“We have recorded spending of BD1.5bn in 2022, which is 50pc higher than the actual expected target of BD1bn for the year,” she said.

“The number of tourists arriving in Bahrain reached 9.9m, which is a 19pc increase from the 8.3m target for the year.

“Spending increased from BD76 daily from BD69, which is around a 10pc increase.

“The stay time increased to 3.5 days from 3.3 days, which is an increase of 6pc.”

The minister pointed out that recovery of tourism showed a 90pc increase from its pandemic low, surpassing the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) average of 65pc.

“Tourism contribution to the economy is expected to reach 11.4pc in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP),” said Ms Al Sairafi.

“Example indicators show the Manama Gold Festival sales, for example, reaching BD1.1m last month.

“Also hotel occupancy has now reached 80pc.

“This all pushes rightly towards our BD2bn tourism revenues target for 2026.”

She added in response to a question by first deputy speaker Abdulnabi Salman on tourism input into the economy, that there are more projects underway to develop coasts, beaches and tourist islands towards contributing to tourism.





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