New parliamentary bloc to focus on ‘vital’ legislations

A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND parliamentary bloc of independents that will focus on strategic legislations has been formed yesterday.

The nine-member bloc called “Strategic Thinking Parliamentary Bloc” is headed by MP Ahmed Al Salloom, and comprises four female MPs.

The four women MPs are public utilities and environment affairs committee chairman Hanan Fardan, Mariam Al Sayegh, Dr Mariam Al Dhaen and Bassema Mubarak.

The four other male MPs are bloc spokesman Khalid Bu Onk, Ali Al Dossary, Hassan Ibrahim and Abdulla Al Rumaihi.

The bloc will operate under the theme “Nation and Nationals”.

“The bloc seeks comprehensive legislations that follow strategic visions, directions and build-ups,” said Mr Al Salloom, who is also Bahrain Chamber board member and Small and Medium Enterprises Development Society chairman.

“We intend to analyse, research, develop and draft legislations that take into account interchangeable and global factors,” he added.

“The strategy should be a developmental approach and we have plans to co-ordinate, communicate and connect with all strategic partners in the government to help reach intended goals and targets.

“When nine MPs are on the same page then it is easy to push ahead with vital legislations. That doesn’t mean that the bloc will not work with other parliamentary blocs if formed or independent MPs.”

The only bloc in Parliament currently is Taqadumi with three members headed by first deputy speaker Abdulnabi Salman.

Mr Al Salloom was president of the former Bahrain Bloc for four consecutive terms, from 2018 to 2022.





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