New campaign to promote Bahrain tourism launched

MANAMA: A unique digital campaign has been launched to promote Bahrain as a leading tourist destination and increase the number of tourists, with a special focus on Gulf states.

The new campaign, Ihnee Fee Al Bahrain (Here in Bahrain) will coincide with #WeWillMeet campaign, Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) announced yesterday.

The campaign will run over the span of a year across three phases. It will first kick off with the ‘inspirational´ phase, connecting with followers digitally though interactive posts and live sessions, followed by the ‘encouragement´ phase that will focus on the promotion of activities.

The final phase, ‘transformation´, involves face-to-face interaction with visitors once events are safe to resume again.

“We wanted to launch a campaign in line with BTEA’s plans to showcase on social media Bahrain’s unique experiences that can be enjoyed and shed light on its artistic and cultural heritage,” said BTEA marketing and tourism promotion acting director Dr Ali Follad.

“The campaign will also comprise a series of promotional materials and initiatives, which aim to increase interaction by the public on social media.”

#WeWillMeet campaign aims to engage with stakeholders across multiple sectors during these difficult times, and aims to re-energise the local tourism sector along with tourism-related industries and increasing its contribution to the national economy.

Once the situation allows, BTEA expects to attract more visitors as Bahrain has always been considered an ideal and convenient weekend getaway for Saudis due to its close proximity to a multitude of attractions and experiences.

This end-to-end digital campaign will not only target the masses that have shifted online as a result of the epidemic, but also directly tap into a new segment and appeal to the millennials and Generation Z´s that are online.”





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