National origin exports top BD303m last month

Bahrain’s re-exports increased by 30 per cent to BD67 million during April 2023 compared with BD51m for the same month of the previous year, shows the latest data from the Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA).

The report, which also includes data on balance of trade, imports and national origin exports, says the top 10 trading partners accounted for 91pc of the total national origin export value last month with the remaining 9pc claimed by other countries.

The UAE was the leading market for re-exports accounting for a value of BD19m, followed by Saudi Arabia with BD13m and Singapore coming third with BD8m.

Turbo-jets was the top product re-exported from Bahrain with BD13m, four-wheel drive came in second place with BD5.3m, and wristwatches made with precious metal came third with BD4.9m.

National origin exports amounted to BD303m last month, decreasing by 37pc in value when compared with BD478m for April 2022.

The top 10 countries in terms of the value of exports of national origin accounted for 73pc of the total value, while the remaining countries accounting for 27pc.

Saudi Arabia ranked first among countries receiving Bahraini exports of national origin, accounting for a value of BD88m, followed by the US with BD32m and the UAE with BD29m.

Unwrought aluminium alloys emerged as the top product exported during April 2023 with BD96m. Agglomerated iron ores and concentrates were second with a value of BD50m and unwrought aluminium not alloyed was third with BD16m.

The report said the value of imports increased by 3pc to BD523m during April 2023 compared with BD505m in the same month of 2022 with the top 10 trading partners accounting for 72pc of total import value.

According to the report, Brazil was ranked as the top exporter to Bahrain with BD79m, followed by China with BD61m and Australia in third place with BD54m.

Non-agglomerated iron ores and concentrates emerged as the top product imported into Bahrain with a value of BD94m while aluminium oxide was second with BD48m and gold ingots in third place with BD16m.

The trade balance, or the difference between exports and imports, showed a 724pc increase in the value of the deficit totalling BD152m during April 2023 when compared with a surplus BD24m for the same month of 2022.





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