National Information and Population Taskforce launched

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, has issued an edict establishing the ‘National Information and Population Taskforce’.

Chaired by the Cabinet Affairs Minister, the panel will include the Sustainable Development Minister as deputy chairperson.

The task force will include members representing the ministries of Interior, Foreign, Finance and National Economy, Labour, Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture, Oil and Environment, Transportation and Telecommunications, Works, Social Development, Health, Justice, Housing and Urban Planning, Tourism, Education, Industry and Commerce, Youth Affairs and the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Supreme Council for Women, the Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA), the Economic Development Board, the Electricity and Water Authority, the Central Bank of Bahrain, the Civil Services Bureau and the Survey and Land Registration Bureau will also be represented.

The team is tasked to follow up on national indicators and information that reflect Bahrain’s status and performance in global reports related to socio-economic fields and demographic statistics.

The panel will propose national demographic policies, update and verify data pertaining to national indicators and information, sustainable development goals, including population programmes.

It has the authority to approve national information, reports and official data as well as designate the party in charge of establishing them before conveying them to international organisations.

The task force shall also ensure all government entities update all national information and statistics related to sustainable development goals and indicators, as well as any other indices related to the iGA database.

It shall also ensure all government entities update all national information and statistics related to competitiveness reports of priority and other indicators as per the list approved by the Finance and National Economy Ministry.

It has also been mandated to set required measures that regulate data exchanging between government entities, review and evaluate the database towards enhancing the quality of information.

The edict tasks the panel to study demographic issues and challenges facing the housing sector and suggest solutions to tackle them, in addition to exploring ways of integrating population topics in national policies and strategies.

It shall also co-operate with relevant regional and international organisations concerned with sustainable development goals and demographic issues.





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