Global groups urged to focus on growth and education
INTERNATIONAL organisations should focus on development and education rather than on conflicts and petty politics.
This was highlighted yesterday by Bahrain Chamber board member Sonya Janahi during a two-day World of Work Summit: Social Justice for All, representing employers, in Geneva.
The event is held on the sidelines of the 111th International Labour Organisation (ILO) conference that started on June 5 and ends tomorrow.
“We are leading towards a poverty of knowledge because many international organisations are politicising issues and focusing on conflicts than rather focusing on closing the gap and uplifting education,” said Ms Janahi.
“The focus should remain on education and knowledge.”
Ms Janahi has been vocal against the ILO, accusing it of politicising issues and pushing a foreign agenda that is against Islamic values and culture, as reported in the GDN earlier this month.
She said yesterday that the need of the hour was to introduce future-oriented skills by creating an environment that accelerated learning at a new level.
“The world is changing and we’re moving from a focus on a world of raw materials to skills, and this is where the future lies.
“We’re lacking that stimulation of the brain and thinking outside the box.
“Today, when we talk about skills, it’s not about being a plumber, carpenter, engineer or even being a doctor.
“We’re talking about biomedicine, laws on space, green technology and IT.”
The summit featured a panel discussion on fostering equal opportunities and full, freely chosen and productive employment for all through education, lifelong learning and skills development.
Other speakers included Australian Skills and Training Minister Brendan O’Connor, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia executive secretary Rola Dashti and other experts.
Ms Janahi also pointed out how coding was taught to kindergarten students in Asian countries, and critical thinking – which are the future skills.
“It’s not going to be easy for the future generations as it is today, if they are not equipped with the right skills.
“The next superpower of the world is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and will be reaching a stage where AI is going to control our emotions, ethics and culture.”
She said it’s imperative to capitalise on the use of AI but to not replace a human brain.
“The education system today sadly is a victim of politics and this is one of our biggest challenges,” she added while highlighting that more than 200 million children globally have no access to education.