FCCIB co-organised a global webinar with guest speaker Frédéric Sanchez; President of MEDEF International

FCCIB co-organised CCI FRANCE INTERNATIONAL's fourth global webinar 'Regard International', on July 16

The webinar, that was held in French, was introduced by Mr. Renaud BENTEGEAT, President of CCI FRANCE INTERNATIONAL and Mr. Jean-Christophe Durand, President of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Bahrain, FCCIB. 

The guest speaker of this fourth edition was Mr. Frédéric Sanchez, President of FIVES Group and MEDEF International. 

Mr. Sanchez delivered an insightful presentation, discussing the current and future impacts of the Covid-19 crisis for the French companies present abroad and willing to export and explore business opportunities worldwide.

He expressed, among other ideas, that according to him, French companies should now directly set up a business in the foreign region they target rather than exporting their products and services only.

His intervention was followed by a dynamic Q&A. 

Click here to watch the replay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hU5YL0THxyc&feature=emb_title


-> CCI France International is a non-profit organization created in 1907 and recognized by public utility since 1939. It brings together, represents, coordinates and develops the network of French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in France and international. It is represented by 123 chambers in 93 countries. Find out more on their website.

-> MEDEF International is a non-profit private-funded organisation, created in 1989 by MEDEF, the French Business Confederation. It gathers every year about 7100 French companies already operating in the world, in 85 Business Councils headed by 55 CEOs of major international French companies. Find out more on their website. 


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