Chance for youngsters to play a key role in growth

The kingdom’s young people will be given the opportunity to play more pivotal roles within the government through pioneering new interactive initiatives to ensure their voices are heard and they are consulted on the challenges that the country faces.

The Youth Affairs Ministry’s ‘Almostashar’, which roughly translates to ‘The Consultant’ in English, is one of the many services launched by the ministry to help develop ‘a new line of intelligent and capable young talent’ as well as involve them in the decision-making process.

“Almostashar offers the youth a chance to become involved in developing solutions and proposals for the most prominent challenges that the government faces,” said Youth Affairs Minister Rawan Tawfiqi.

The service is a ‘first of its kind’ allowing ministries to present their challenges to bright young minds, and in return, hopefully receive workable solutions from their perspective in a bid to adopt them.

According to a statement made by the Youth Affairs Ministry, the aim is to emphasise the empowerment of youth as a ‘national priority’ to prove they are trusted and their ideas and suggestions will continue to be appreciated and acted upon.

In return, the move aims to strengthen relations with officials in ministries and help the youth gain first hand insight into the daily challenges faced.

“We have been launching sustainable initiatives with the aim of discovering and nourishing capable and talented youth,” added Ms Tawfiqi. “The Youth Affairs Ministry is always keen to introduce initiatives and programmes that motivate young people.

“These include projects and exchange programmes that have already helped Bahraini youth give back and become effective role models in their respective communities.

“Some examples of these projects include The Lamea Programme, Youth City 2030, Bader and many more. There are additional new initiatives that will be launched shortly. We have a strong motive for involving the youth in the decision-making process.

“In return, the ministry will also work to develop plans, strategies and policies to develop the youth sector.”

The ‘Ambassadors of Bahraini Youth’ programme was also unveiled in which hopefuls will present a 15-second film justifying why they think that the Youth Affairs Ministry should choose them as ambassadors at external gatherings.

A specialised team will choose those who meet specific standards and requirements, and the winners will represent the kingdom at one of the official meetings abroad, alongside the Youth Affairs Minister.

This announcement coincided with the kingdom’s recent annual celebrations of Bahrain Youth Day.

“The Kingdom of Bahrain has dedicated March 25 of each year to celebrate the achievements of Bahraini youth,” added Ms Tawfiqi. “The Cabinet’s decision to dedicate this day to the youth was based on a proposal submitted by His Majesty King Hamad’s representative for humanitarian work and youth affairs and Supreme Council for Youth and Sports president Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

“Bahraini Youth Day is a national celebration to express appreciation of the efforts of the youth of Bahrain to the development of the kingdom and an affirmation of their role in shaping the future of the kingdom.

“It also represents a great opportunity to shed light on the inspiring and accomplished youth of Bahrain.”

Ms Tawfiqi also stated that the “youth are the backbone of societies and the leaders of the future”.

“The youth of Bahrain exhibit commitment and dedication and are extremely capable and talented as witnessed through the many achievements made in various sectors both on the local and global scales,” she explained. “They are talented, resilient and resourceful.

“The Bahraini youth experience has produced many talents who have become an inspiration to their peers in Bahrain and abroad. We are proud of these models who have become ambassadors of the Kingdom of Bahrain and represent it well in various forums.

“The names and achievements are countless, from top science awards to sporting achievements, global e-sports recognition and even Mena’s best female chef – we are amazed on a daily basis by their astonishing achievements.”





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