BD200 million to fund wages of Bahraini workers

His Majesty King Hamad has issued a royal decree to withdraw BD200 million from Unemployment Fund to fund the wages of Bahraini workers, but no further details.

The King issued Decree Law (20) of 2023 adding a new clause (7) to Paragraph (C) of Article (8) of Decree Law (78) of 2006 regarding unemployment insurance.

Article 1: A new clause No. (7) is added to Paragraph (C) of Article (8) of Decree Law (78) of 2006 regarding unemployment insurance, as follows:

7- Financing part of the programmes to integrate Bahrainis into the labour market through employment, training and wage support programmes that are implemented by the Labour Fund by BD200 million for one time, in accordance with the conditions and controls determined by a decision of the minister after the approval of the Cabinet; taking into account Paragraph (e) of this Article.

His Majesty King Hamad issued Decree Law (19) of 2023 amending some provisions of Decree Law (42) of 1999 establishing the Bahrain Petroleum Company, based on the proposal by the Prime Minister, and following the approval of the Cabinet.

Article 1: The phrase “Bapco Refinery, a Bahrain Shareholding Company (Closed)” replaces the phrase “Bahrain Petroleum Company” mentioned in the title of Decree Law No. (42) of 1999 establishing the Bahrain Petroleum Company.

Article 2: The text of Article 1 of Decree Law (42) of 1999 establishing the Bahrain Petroleum Company shall be replaced with the following text: (Bapco Refinery, a Bahrain Shareholding Company (Closed)” is licensed to be established in accordance with the memorandum of association and articles of association accompanying this law).

Article 3: The company’s articles of association accompanying Decree Law (42) of 1999 establishing the Bahrain Petroleum Company shall be replaced by the articles of association and articles of association accompanying this law.

His Majesty issued Decree Law (14) of 2023 amending some provisions of (16) of 2014 regarding the protection of state information and documents.

Article 1: The definition of “responsible” mentioned in Article One of (16) of 2014 regarding the protection of state information and documents, and the text of Article Four of the same law, shall be replaced with the following texts:

Article One: Definition of (responsible):

“A- Every public employee or someone equivalent, in accordance with Articles (107) and (108) of the Penal Code promulgated by Decree (15) of 1976.

B- Employees in entities where the state contributes to the management of, or those in which the state owns over 50 per cent of the capital; provided they are established or based in Bahrain.

Article Four: “Taking into account the provisions of any other law, state information and documents that do not fall under the classifications specified in Article Three of this law are considered ordinary information and documents. The responsible individuals must preserve them and protect them from tampering, loss, or damage, and their content may not be disclosed to anyone other than those concerned with them.”

Article 2: A new article No. (Article Four bis) will be added to Law No. (16) of 2014 regarding the protection of state information and documents, which reads as follows:

“Copies of all information and documents saved electronically are kept in a national data centre that provides a secure cloud storage service. All national databases are linked to the centre, and information and documents are saved and updated immediately.

The centre mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be supervised by an entity designated by a royal decree. This entity shall also set systems, controls and administrative and technical procedures related to linking national databases to the centre, and mechanisms and controls for saving and updating information and documents.

The provisions of this article apply to entities in which the state owns over 50pc of the capital, provided that they are established or based in Bahrain.

His Majesty issued Decree Law (18) of 2023 amending some provisions of the Telecommunications Law issued by Decree (48) of 2002.

Article 1: The definitions of access, public communications services, notification, frequency licence, and telecommunications network included in Article (1) of the Communications Law promulgated by Decree (48) of 2002 shall be replaced, as well as the text of articles (3) Paragraph (C), Clauses (10) and (14), and (18), Paragraph (A), Clause (2), and (24), Paragraph (A), and (43), and (57), Paragraphs (B), and (e), (58) paragraph (b), and (64) of the same law, with the following:

Access: Providing the licensed operator with access to telecommunications facilities or telecommunications services for the purpose of providing telecommunications services, including connecting telecommunications devices using wired or wireless means, and access to any physical facilities, including buildings and pipes for wires, cables and towers, and access to mobile phone networks, and to interpretation of numbers or to networks that provide similar functions.

Public telecommunications services: Telecommunications services available to the public.

Notice: A letter addressed to the addressee by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by electronic means.

Frequency Licence: A licence to use a frequency granted in accordance with the provisions of Article (44) of this law.

Telecommunications network: A network that allows the transmission of messages, sounds, images, or signals between one party and another by wires, radio, optical means, or any other electromagnetic means, including satellite networks.

Article (3), Paragraph (C), Clauses (10) and (14):

10- Granting a frequency licence, taking into account the national frequency plan.

14- Reviewing tariffs to ensure that they are fair and reasonable, and establishing the basis for determining them, balancing them, and any other procedures related to controlling them, to include telecommunications licences, and determining tariffs – if necessary. This includes calculating based on the tariffs in similar telecommunications markets in other countries. And calculating the cost of providing telecommunications service.

Article (18), Paragraph (A), Clause (2):

2- The proceeds of the annual fees imposed on licences, which are determined by a decision of the authority, provided that their percentage does not exceed 2pc of the licensee’s total annual income generated from premium and ordinary licences. The authority may determine a fixed fee for any type of regular licence through the conditions stipulated in licensing or pursuant to a decision issued by the authority.

Article (24) Paragraph (A): 1- It is prohibited for any person to operate a public telecommunications network or any telecommunications network that uses a telecommunications frequency, or to provide a telecommunications service in the kingdom except after obtaining a licence or an exemption from the authority to do so in accordance with the provisions of this law. A decision shall be issued by the authority regulating the cases and conditions of exemption.

Article (43): Frequency licence: It is prohibited for any person to operate a telecommunications network that uses a frequency spectrum in the kingdom, or to operate or use any radio communications equipment without obtaining a frequency licence from the authority.

It is permissible to use frequencies that are exempt from the requirements for obtaining a frequency licence from the authority in accordance with the terms and conditions of this exemption, determined by a decision of the authority.

Article 57, paragraphs (b) and (e):

2- The public telecommunications operator that the authority determines has a dominant position in a particular telecommunications market must publish, within three months from the date of the authority’s report that it enjoys a dominant position, and re-publish whenever the authority requests it, a reference proposal for interconnection, after the authority’s approval of this offer.

The aforementioned offer must include a complete list of the basic interconnection services, the terms of connection, and the tariff for each service.





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