Bahrain’s FDI surges 5.8pc to BD13.3bn

The provisional results of the 2022 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics showed a 5.8 per cent increase in FDI volume to BD13.3 billion, the Information & eGovernment Authority announced.

The statistics measures the volume and inflows of foreign investments made by key entities in different economic sectors.

This data is vital in helping decision makers set suitable policies to attract further investments and contribute to the kingdom’s economic development.

The statistics showed that the kingdom’s annual FDI inflows during 2022 was approximately BD733.6 million, dominated mostly by electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply, manufacturing and financial and insurance activities sectors at BD226.8, BD187.1, and BD95.5 million respectively.

Foreign direct investment from Kuwait constitutes 66.3pc, or BD486.5m of the total, followed by the UAE with BD189.2m, and Guernsey with BD107.1m.

The statistics aimed at identifying sources of foreign investment according to non-resident investors’ country of residence, in addition to identifying sectors that attracted the most investments.

FDI statistics are one of the IGA’s most important publications, it helps identify foreign investment stocks and flows. The iGA, represented by the Statistics and Population Registry, conducts the surveys in co-operation with relevant authorities and in accordance with global standards.

The survey is in accordance with a joint strategic statistical work plan overseen by the Statistical Centre for the Co-operation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (‘GCC-Stat’) aimed at collecting foreign investment data on the GCC as a unified bloc.





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