Bahrain ranked among top 50 happiest nations

BAHRAIN has been ranked among the top 50 happiest countries in a new report released yesterday.

However, it has dropped to 42 out of 137 countries in the World Happiness Report 2023 – from 21 out of 146 countries in the 2022 report.

Among the Gulf countries, the UAE takes the lead (26) followed by Saudi Arabia (30) and Bahrain.

The report ranks countries on happiness based on average life evaluations over the three preceding years (2020 to 2022). However, Bahrain’s ranking is based only on averages in 2020 and 2021.

Kuwait, Oman and Qatar are not covered in the report which was launched yesterday to mark International Day of Happiness.

The report was written by a group of independent experts acting in their personal capacity, and is a publication of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), powered by the Gallup World Poll data.

The SDSN initiative, launched in 2012, operates under the auspices of the UN to mobilise scientific and technical expertise in support of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The findings were based on a sample of people who were asked how satisfied they were with their lives, income and employment, social support, personal freedom, effective government, physical and mental health, and relationships at work, in the family and in the community, among other topics.

For the sixth year in a row, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world, followed by Denmark, Iceland, Israel and the Netherlands. The saddest country was Afghanistan, ranked at 137, with Lebanon at 136 and Sierra Leone at 135.





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