Bahrain Bourse introduces enhanced BIM Regulations
Manama, Apr. 12 (BNA): Bahrain Bourse (BHB) has announced regulatory changes to Bahrain Investment Market (BIM), an equity market designed for fast-growing companies seeking growth capital.
The series of regulatory changes to BIM are aimed at supporting the growth, development of the market, enhance market attractiveness, and simplify and increase the efficiency of the admission process. The changes came after a careful thorough review of the market requirements, and form part of Financial Services Sector Development Strategy to further support growth companies.
The regulatory changes are effective immediately, which includes provisions to allow companies to file their listing application for BIM through BHB directly without the mandatory requirement of appointing an authorized sponsor which potentially would further lower the cost of listing on BIM, streamline the process of Complaints, Arbitration, Investigation and Disciplinary Proceeding in line with BHB Listing Rules.
"The regulatory changes introduced form part of our ongoing strategic plans to further enhance BIM, based on our careful review of the market and taking into consideration the needs of market participants," BHB Listing & Disclosure Director Shaikha AlZayani said.
"We are constantly working with various stakeholders to ensure efficiency of the admission process. The regulatory changes introduced aim to enhance the market positioning of Bahrain’s capital markets amongst international markets".
The regulatory changes introduced are in alignment with the objectives of the Economic Recovery Plan and priorities of the Financial Services Sector Development Strategy (2022-2026), as BIM forms one of the key pillars, which aims to enable easier access to growth capital funding opportunities and thus generating more diverse investment opportunities and instruments for capital market participants.