Alba unveils project to train workforce

MANAMA: Alba has rolled out the ‘Al Jisr’ Programme – a new training and development initiative which aims to build supervisory skills in its national workforce.

The programme targets Bahraini employees from within non-supervisory ranks while providing them with the technical and soft skills training through a four-year period, making them eligible to apply for supervisory vacancies upon successful completion.

The programme reduces the timeframe for promotion to supervisory roles by more than half.

A weeklong virtual interactive awareness campaign was organised by the smelter to familiarise all candidates on the application criteria and selection process which will be managed by a specialised external party.

On the launch of the initiative, Alba chief executive Ali Al Baqali said: “Boosting Bahrainisation has always been one of our top priorities. With the Al Jisr Programme, we aim to train and develop our high-potential national employees whom we consider our greatest assets.”

He added, “We aim to invest in our people who then become Alba’s future leaders to translate our vision – to be the number one aluminium supplier for the generations to come.”

The programme will complement Alba’s master training plan, which was launched in October 2019 as a customised development initiative to meet the needs of every job and employee in the company.





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