35 voluntary projects are evaluated for top award

A TOTAL of 35 voluntary projects were evaluated as part of the seventh edition of the Best Bahraini Voluntary Project Award, organised by the Good Word Society in co-operation with the Arab Voluntary Union.

Cash prizes worth an estimated BD7,500 will be presented to the winning non-governmental organisations in different categories at an awards ceremony on September 14.

The competition, which concluded on Saturday, was part of the 13th edition of Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa Award for Voluntary Work which honours prominent Arab voluntary workers.

Organising committee chairman Ali Buhazza affirmed that the award was designed to provide a platform for participants to exchange expertise with their counterparts in various sectors to spread the culture of volunteerism in Bahraini society.

“Although the evaluation process aims to select the winners of the award in this edition, there is another goal that the organising committee aspires to,” he said.

“This is to provide an opportunity for all participants to exchange expertise and experiences with their advanced counterparts in various fields, which is one of the objectives through which we work to spread and promote the culture of volunteerism in Bahraini society.”

The judging panel, consisting of Dr Faleh Al Faleh Al Rowaili, Dr Budoor Buheji and Mohammed Ahmadi, reviewed 35 voluntary projects during the competition over two weeks.

Panel chairman Dr Al Rowaili highlighted several noteworthy projects that address various issues.

The projects were evaluated based on a set of defined criteria, including the general objective of the project, the target groups in society, the work mechanisms and means used to achieve its goals and address the problem, and whether these projects can be developed again in the future.

Mr Ahmadi noted that the award promotes volunteer work, highlighting the role of Bahraini society and documenting pioneering experiences in volunteer and development work.

“The award is aimed at supporting and promoting volunteer projects,” he said.

“The goal is to highlight the role of Bahraini society and document pioneering experiences in the field of volunteer and development work in a way that it contributes to spreading and consolidating the culture of volunteer work.

“It also underscores the role of volunteer work in comprehensive development, as well as promote the principle of effective partnership with NGOs and support the social responsibility efforts of the private sector.”

Dr Buheji said that the award includes distinguished and valuable projects that benefit various segments of society and target different sectors, such as health, education, culture, society, and technology.

He added that the increase in the number of participations and the quality of projects submitted reflect the importance of the award.


Source: https://www.gdnonline.com/Details/1289086/35-voluntary-projects-are-evaluated-for-top-award



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